Twice a year Aron, my corridormate, organizes a gamer-party for spend a whole weekend playing not just computer games, but others like poker, pentagon or 4-in-line.
He had already ask me to use my room as a game room for playing the boardgame Catan, but at the end less people than he expected came to the corridor. So, hopefully, they did not use my room!!
Everymorning, when I wake up, I used to see some of the freaks sleeping in the sofa, in chairs... .
For ending, I've upload a video of a normal hour during the Rydcon event. Enjoy!
This post is about the dinner we did long time ago (in October).Last 13th october we had an intercultural dinner, but this time we were the ones who had to cook for the other. My corridormates Carmen and Hubsi, and me cooked the food for the thai people. But there were not only Thai, also Chinese, French, Germany and Japonese people.
We established a Swedish buffet: all the food in the desks of the living room and therefore the people can get the food, but eating stand up.
At the beginning, we did not know if we were going to have enough food for everybody. Hubsi did a German soup, Carmen chicken in the oven and also a delicious salmon with potatoes and me ham, Spanish meet in sauce and the maxican nachos. Surprisingly the first dish in being eaten was the nachos and not the cured ham as I expected -even it left. They don't appreciate the spanish food!!
Despite of being the entruster of the dinner (Hubsi, Carmen and me), the asiatic people also brought some dishes. Suddenly, asiatic people started coming to the living room, everyone with a dish and, of course, the desks were totally occupied. And we were before worried about having or not enough food for everybody!
Here I attach the video with the explanation of the different dishes . When I said to them that the nachos were going to be really spicy for them, they nearly wrested my eyes. Because is very known for all of us the spicy food of these people. Yet, at least that dinner, they were considerate with us, they only brought one spicy dish! But it was truly spicy!!
It was the birthday of one of the Thais, so we sang "Happy Birthday", everyone in his own language, and, as Oli said, it sounded like a crying cat.
How are the Thai people? They are more polite and more considerate than western people, and also shier but they have always a smile for you. They are happy and grateful. As Tanabut says (my Thai corridormate), Thailand is the smile of the world.
The dirtiest people in everycorridor tend to be swedish. They always put their stuff in shared places, without cleaning, they never put the garbage out, neither clean the microwave nor the desk. But the thing that I'll write down is the worst!
The good new is that the unfriendly Hendrik has already moved away. He was the one who never said hello to you, the same one that was always running through the corridor to arrive to his room without talking with anybody. As Jose said, it was so normal in his corridor. It seems that almost all the swedish are like Hendrik. But anyway, this is better than having four nigerians fixing bikes in the kitchen (it was happened the first week) as other corridors.
Ok, it's time to continue with the post. The moving of Hendrik is the reason now for getting a new fridge. My old one did not have enough space to put all my food inside, it was really small. Now I have to shared the bigger one with Jonas, the dirties person of the corridor. Although my last fridge were small, it was much cleaner than the new.
After having the one, everytime that I opened the fridge, a very disgusting gust of smell crashed directly into my face. I needed some days to guest what was the causant. Jonas bought a cat, Goodle, and used to let him to run away and to come home whenever the cat wantedd. Godle, by itself, was able to return alone. Sometimes, I received calls of people telling me that they had seen the animal in their corridors. After one week of freedom, Godle did not return anymore. But come on, if you give him the chance of eating the mously foodcat and the cookies with hot milk and katbullar that Godle ate in his adventures in other corridors, is very easy to guest that he wasn't going to come home anymore.
This is a picture of Aron, who was the brave corrridormate who put the mously can out.
And now, this is the appearance of Jonas' stuff, and I can ensure that is the cleanest picture of it. And we cleaned the whole-kitchen 2 weeks ago!!
Do you have dirty corridor mates as Jonas? ¿Have you had other dirty-experiencies like this or even worst?
I have decided to tell my experience as an Erasmus during the year 2007 and 2008. My English is not as good as I would like, so I'll try to do my best.